There are several things to consider before deciding to build vs. improve your existing home. Do you have the cash necessary to actually improve your current home to where it will serve your needs? What changes are necessary (some improvements can be very inexpensive, but perhaps you need more square footage. In this case, building a new home is often the best solution cost-wise)? Is there room to expand on the ground level or will the foundation of your present home support a second floor? Have you considered zoning issues and permits prior to making improvements? How much equity do you have in the property? Have you looked at the existing home market to determine if there is an existing home that would serve your needs?

Take a look at your neighborhood. It's wise to improve before selling, but compare your home to the never want to have the biggest and "best" home on the block and then continue to put put MORE money into it! Your decision should ultimately be based on your individual needs, the extent of the work involved and which features will add the most value. According to industry experts, buyers are always excited by state-of-the art kitchens and bathrooms.

If you ever want to discuss the pros and cons of building a new home in Lafayette or West Lafayette, we are available to you. We can work with you and a builder to make sure you get the best deal possible on a new home, and if after running the numbers it's best to stay with your current home and make improvments, we can help you with referrals to top contractors, so you get the work done right! Call us anytime!